what do i offer?

...Server creation and organization
I specialize in setting up Discord servers, managing roles, channels, and automating bot functions for welcomes, goodbyes, and role assignments.
...Carrd making
I design various carrds—medium, large, or small, with or without pro features. Check out my carrd or this sample to see my skills.
I offer diverse manga panel or drawing coloring styles. Keep reading to see examples.
I enhance various types of drawings (not realistics, just simple ones) to improve their quality.
I can draw any character or person onto another drawing. Keep reading for examples.
Dividers, banners, pfp, icons... I edit anything you need.
I translate anything you need between English and Spanish, both ways.

Simple (small page, no sections)|........€3
Medium (medium page or two sections)|........€5
Advanced (big page or multiple sections)|........€7
Creation & Organzation (channels)............................|........€1.5
Creation & Organzation + autoroles|........€4

+ €1.5 if + aesthetic

TYPE 1 (flat & blured) 
Halfbody, one person.........................................|........2€
Halfbody, two people|........4€
Halfbody, more than two people|........6€
Fullbody, one person|........3€
Fullbody, two people|........6€
Fullbody, more than two people|........9€
Manga panel, poorly detailed|........5€
Manga panel, kinda detailed|........7€
Manga panel, very detailed|........9€

+ 2€ or 3€ per person
+ 3.5€ if background, but depends on the details
+ the corresponding amount if + redrawing

Halfbody, one person...............................................|........5€
Halfbody, two people|........9€
Halfbody, more than two people|........13€
Fullbody, one person|........7€
Fullbody, two people|........11€
Fullbody, more than two people|........15€
Manga panel, poorly detailed|........8€
Manga panel, kinda detailed|........12€
Manga panel, very detailed|........16€

+ 4€ or 5€ per person
+ 4€ if background, but depends on the details
+ the corresponding amount if + redrawing

Halfbody, one person....................................................|........2€
Halfbody, two people|........3.5€
Halfbody, more than two people|........5€
Fullbody, one person|........3.5€
Fullbody, two people|........5.5€
Fullbody, more than two people|........7.5€

+ 1.5€ or 2€ per person
+ 2.5€ if background, but depends on the details
+ the corresponding amount if + coloring

Halfbody, one person.............................................|........3€
Halfbody, two people|........6€
Halfbody, more than two people|........9€
Fullbody, one person|........4€
Fullbody, two people|........8€
Fullbody, more than two people|........12€

+ 3€ or 4€ per person
+ 3.5€ if modified clothes
+ the corresponding amount if + redrawing

Halfbody, one person................................................|........7€
Halfbody, two people|........11€
Halfbody, more than two people|........15€
Fullbody, one person|........17€
Fullbody, two people|........22€
Fullbody, more than two people|........27€

+ 4€ or + 5€ per person
+ 15€ if background, but depends on the details
+ the corresponding amount if + redrawing

5 pages...........................................................................................|........3.5€
10 pages|........7€
15 pages|........10.5€
20 pages|........14€